Preventive oncology

Preventive oncology

Preventive oncology refers to the branch of medicine that focuses on preventing cancer or reducing the risk of developing cancer in individuals. This field encompasses various strategies and approaches aimed at identifying, assessing, and managing risk factors associated with cancer. Preventive oncology aims to reduce the incidence of cancer by promoting healthy behaviors, implementing screening programs for early detection, identifying genetic predispositions, and developing interventions to mitigate environmental and lifestyle risk factors.

Colpscopy for Cervical Cancer screening

As there is growing awareness of cervical cancer, technological advancements, rising incidence of HPV infections, emphasis on preventive healthcare, shift towards outpatient procedures and advancements in treatment modalities, COLPOSCOPY has become an integral part of Gyne Oncologist. At FAMICARE SPECILATY CENTER, we understand that Prevention is the key and hence preventive oncology is major part of Gyne Oncology.

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