Welcome to Famicare Speciality Centre, your trusted partner in advanced sports medicine in Rohini, Delhi. Our PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy is specifically designed to help athletes recover faster from sports injuries, enhancing the natural healing process of the body.

Overview of PRP Therapy for Sports Injuries

Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy harnesses the power of your own blood’s platelets to accelerate the healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints. In sports medicine, PRP injections are used to treat a variety of sports-related injuries, including sprains, tendonitis, and other soft tissue injuries.

Benefits of PRP for Sports Injuries

  • Faster Recovery: PRP therapy reduces the downtime associated with sports injuries.
  • Reduced Pain and Inflammation: Patients often experience a significant reduction in pain and inflammation post-treatment.
  • Enhanced Healing: The growth factors in PRP help in the regeneration of tissues, speeding up the healing process.

Why Choose Famicare for PRP Sports Injury Treatments?

  • Expert Sports Medicine Specialists: Our team comprises experienced professionals specialized in sports injuries.
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: Equipped with modern technology to provide the best in care.
  • Tailored Treatments: Each treatment is customized to meet the individual needs of the athlete, ensuring optimal outcomes.

Chronic Disease Treatment Specialist At Famicare Speciality Center , Rohini, Delhi.

Dr. Sujata Mittal – Senior Gynecologist Oncologist with 35 years of experience.

MBBS, MS – Sr Gynae with over 35 years of experience in gynecology and 27 years in gynecologic oncology Certified Holistic Cancer Coach Plant based Nutritionist.

Dr. R N Mittal – Senior Surgical Oncologist at Famicare Speciality Centre, Rohini, Delhi.

MBBS, MS – Sr. Surgical Oncologist, Famicare Specialty Center, Rohini, Delhi

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Famicare Speciality Center

Better Life Starts With Us !!!

What Patients Say About Dr Sujata Mittal...

Hear What Our Patients Are Saying About Our Team.

Dr, I made my mother’s life as happy as....


Dr, I made my mother’s life as happy as I could ! And you were such a help in making it as nice as it could have been .. the other doctors were very clinical in their approach ..you were like a breath of fresh air and I would text you and feel comforted enough to put on a brave front in front of my mom !! This is why I texted you doctor. Dr. Sujata Mittal: Dr you have been most sensitive and kind to our needs during the tough time , have to inform you that my mother passed away peacefully surrounded by family and her dearest on Thursday 29th March , thank you for your quick responses and sensitivity through it all

Kavita R


A successfully treated patient at Famicare Speciality Centre, Rohini, Delhi.

What Patients Say About
"Famicare Specialty Center"

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) PRP Therapy for Sports Injuries

Q1: How does PRP therapy work for sports injuries?

A: PRP involves injecting concentrated platelets from your blood directly into the injured area, which releases growth factors that stimulate and increase the number of reparative cells your body produces.

Q2: What types of sports injuries can PRP treat?

A: PRP is effective in treating injuries such as tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, knee tendinosis, Achilles tendinosis, and rotator cuff injuries among others.

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Beside Conventional Treatment, we have Nutritional and Lifestyle Modification plans for these diseases.


Lifestyle modifications

Cancer and other chronic conditions can be reversed

Integrated Medicine


psycho neuoro oncology

Body In motion

Scietific & Proven

Personalized and dedicated treatment

What Patients Say About Dr Sujata Mittal...

Hear What Our Patients Are Saying About Our Team.

A successfully treated patient at Famicare Speciality Centre, Rohini, Delhi.

I was diagnosed with Cancer endometrium...

I was diagnosed with Cancer endometrium in July 2018. Dr Sujata Mittal did wonderful surgery and at the same time taught me to be disease free. I weighed 94 kg before surgery and had diabetes, hypertension, asthma and hypothyroidism. Her nutritional program helped me in reducing 10 kg before surgery. Postoperatively, I reduced another 14 kg. I now understand that this will help in reducing the chances of recurrence. I am also without anti diabetic drugs and hypothyroid drugs. My dosage of hypertensive medications are reduced considerably. I am able to step up and step down from stairs too.



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